NVivo Animated Tutorials

onlinetrainingClick on the links below to access these tutorials:

NVivo R1 Windows + NVivo 14

Understanding how to Manage Codes in NVivo and the Principles of Coding

Understanding how to back up, Protect & Restore/Recover your Data in NVivo

How to Conduct an Audit Trail from your NVivo Project

How to use Social Network Analysis in NVivo – understanding and applying sociograms

Understanding and Appling ‘See Also Links’ in NVivo for Windows

Learn how to Apply IPA in NVivo (tools and tips)

How to Correctly Set up your Literature in NVivo

Working in Teams using NVivo – 3 options explained

Understanding and Applying Text Searches in NVivo

Understanding & Applying Relationship Codes in NVivo

Harness the Power of NVivo & Excel for more options to visualize your data

Your NVivo Project File (name) no longer exists. Remove from ‘My Recent Projects’?

Understanding Expanded and Collapsed Folders in NVivo

Understanding and Creating Dynamic Sets in NVivo

Using NVivo’s built in Reports to Retrieve and Report on your Coding + Design and Build new Report (2nd Video)

Importing Library from Zotero, EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero or other Referencing Software

Coding PDFs (Images or Images of Text (Old Academic Publications)

Synchronising Text and Images and Coding Text and Images in Harmony

Visualize your Data with NVivo

Set up Project in NVivo for Interviews, focus groups or survey – understanding cases and classifications

Exporting from EndNote (2020) and Importing to NVivo (2020)

Some ideas on coding literature

Some ideas on querying literature

Some ideas on working with Maps

Running a coding query

Introducing Crosstab Queries in NVivo 12, NVivo2020 (R1) or NVivo14

How to use an NVivo Matrix to Intersect Thematic and Sentiment Codes

NVivo 2020 (R1) & NVivo 14 for MAC

Understanding and Applying Cases and Classification on NVivo for MAC

NVivo 12 Windows

Making Cases and Classifications in NVivo

Managing Nodes with NVivo 12

Importing with NVivo 12

Learn the basics of coding text

Using a Matrix in NVivo 12

Utilising NCapture for Web Content & Social Media

Create Cases from Focus Groups by Speaker ID

Create NVivo Transcripts from Media Files – Windows & MAC

Import Classification Sheet from Excel to NVivo 12 for Windows

Utilising “Sets” in NVivo

Using a Word Frequency Search in NVivo versions 12; R1 (2020) & 14

Importing and Syncing word Transcript to Audio Media in NVivo

Merging NVivo Project Files

Using the Framework Grid in NVivo

Extracting Annotations and Reporting

Using a Compound Query To Gather Annotations and Report

Using a Comparison Diagram in NVivo

Using a Crosstab Query in NVivo 12

NVivo 12 MAC

Managing Nodes with NVivo 12

Importing with NVivo 12

Coding with NVivo

Importing Classification Sheet into NVivo for MAC

Import literature from Mendeley to NVivo for MAC

Matrix for MAC

Create Hierarchy Chart in NVivo for MAC

Export your Codebook from NVivo for MAC

Creating a Hierarchy Chart in NVivo for MAC

NVivo 9, 10 & 11:

Tutorial 1 – Importing Sources into NVivo 9

Tutorial 2 – Connecting sources to their demographics

Tutorial 3 – Auto-coding

Tutorial 4 – Coding audio or any media file

Tutorial 5 – Uncoding incorrectly coded content at a node

Tutorial 6 – Transcribing in NVivo

Tutorial 7 – Formatting in Word for Autocoding – Part 1

Tutorial 7 – Formatting in Word for Autocoding – Part 2

Tutorial 8 – Reviewing your coding using the highlighter and coding stripes tools

Tutorial 9 – Auto-coding media files in NVivo 

Tutorial 10 – Customising NVivo Work Space for Coding Video

Tutorial 11 – Backing up your NVivo Project File

Tutorial 12 – Importing from Excel into NVivo (Datasets) and Autocoding

Tutorial 13 – Using a coding strategy

Tutorial 14 – Video Coded Content from Nodes to HTMLTutorial

Tutorial 15 – Learn Basic Coding

Tutorial 16 – Running Text Searches

Tutorial 17 – Using Memo Features in NVivo

Tutorial 18 – Using a Matrix in NVivo

Tutorial 19 – Using the Excel to NVivo Import Wizard (NVivo for Windows – Version 11)

Tutorial 20 – Importing from SurveyMonkey

Tutorial 21 – Importing EndNote to NVivo for Windows

Tutorial 22 – Understanding and Using Relationships in NVivo

NVivo 11 for MAC

Tutorial 16 – Importing from Excel to MAC and Autocoding

Tutorial 17 – Using Coding Stripes in NVivo for MAC (QSR)

Tutorial 18 – Organising your Demographics in NVivo for MAC (QSR)

QSR Videos and Tutorials

NVivo 11 Windows

What’s New in NVivo

Work with Web Pages

Improving Your Literature Review with NVivo for Windows

NVivo 8:

Tutorial 1 – Importing Data (NVivo sources/internals)

Tutorial 2 – Linking NVivo attributes to case nodes

Tutorial 3 – Inter coder reliability testing