
This tutorial on QDATRAINING demonstrates how to import and sync a transcript with audio media in NVivo for Windows. The instructor emphasizes the importance of synchronizing text with media, allowing users to both listen and read passages for coding, retrieval, and reporting. The tutorial outlines the necessary format for time spans in the transcript, requiring hours, minutes, and seconds. It also explains the column structure for importing, recommending headings for easier matching during the import process. The demonstration covers editing and importing the transcript into NVivo, ensuring synchronization between the text and audio.


  • 📜 Importance of synchronizing text with audio in NVivo for Windows
  • 🕰️ Required time span format: hours, minutes, seconds
  • 🗃️ Column structure for transcript import with recommended headings: time span, content, speaker
  • 📤 Step-by-step guide on editing and importing transcript into NVivo
  • 🎧 Advantages of synchronized text and audio for coding and analysis
  • Importing and Syncing Transcript in NVivo for Windows00:00
    • Learn how to import and synchronize a transcript with audio or video in NVivo.
    • Importance of syncing text with media for coding, retrieval, and reporting.
    • Tips on formatting time spans in transcripts for successful synchronization.
  • Preparing Transcript for Import in NVivo02:30
    • Guidelines on formatting time spans in transcripts for NVivo import.
    • Importance of structured tables with headings for efficient import.
    • Step-by-step process of mapping fields for successful transcript import.
  • Effortless Transcript Import in NVivo04:06
    • Walkthrough of the process to import and synchronize a transcript with audio.
    • Choosing table rows for information containment and field mapping.
    • Confirmation of successful import and synchronized files in NVivo.