FAQ Video – My files and codes are missing in NVivo

Understanding Expanded and Collapsed Folders in NVivo

This video explains how expandable and collapsable folders that house your files and codes work in NVivo and a common error in this regard:


In this YouTube video, the speaker addresses a common issue in NVivo, a software used for qualitative data analysis. The problem often occurs when users upgrade to a newer version, leading them to believe their files and codes have disappeared. The speaker explains that the navigation view, marked in blue, looks different in the current version (referred to as NVivo 2020 or R1), causing confusion. The video aims to alleviate this panic by clarifying that the folders may not visually resemble folders, but they function the same way as in the previous version, Version 12. The speaker demonstrates the subtle differences and urges viewers not to worry if their files seem to be missing.


  • 📂 The issue commonly arises after upgrading NVivo from an older version (e.g., Version 12).
  • 🔄 Navigation view in NVivo 2020 appears different, causing confusion.
  • 🖥️ Folders may not visually resemble folders but behave similarly to Version 12.
  • 📈 Demonstration: Version 12 had clearer indications of folders with arrows.
  • 🚨 Users often panic, thinking their files and codes have disappeared.
  • ✉️ The video aims to alleviate stress by explaining the subtle differences.
  • 📹 Viewers are encouraged to like and subscribe if they find the tips helpful.
Key Moments
  • Navigating NVivo 2020: Understanding Folder Display00:08
    • Explains common panic-inducing issue post-upgrade
    • Highlights changes in Navigation View appearance
    • Emphasizes that files and codes are still accessible
  • Spotting Subfolders in NVivo 202001:52
    • Addresses the confusion around subfolders in the updated version
    • Demonstrates locating files within subfolders