German Workshops (Heidelberg)
Welcome to the University of Heidelberg's NVivo Workshops There will be a four day intensive workshop for novices and a two day workshop for researchers and academics who have attended…
Dr. Deborah A. Johnson-Blake
My sincere gratitude extends to Ben Meehan for assisting me with the qualitative portion of my mixed methods dissertation project. From day one, Ben was available as needed and met…
Hi all, I had a YouTube user who calls himself 'Obama4Prezz' post the following comment about our website on YouTube our promotional video: "This is basically spam. I need training…
NVivo 9 is on the way!
Hi all, QSR International has announced that NVivo 9 is on its way and due for release in October 2010. You can read the press release here. I have not…
Portugal Comes to Dublin
We had the pleasure of having two Portuguese academics attending our two day NVivo workshop this week. Dr. Isabel Macedo PhD (Warwick University – UK) who is the Director of…
Recent French Workshops
Hi all! We have now completed these French workshops and they were a wonderful experience. Apart from the fact that they were a fantastic group to work with, the feedback…
Welcome Aloisia from Tanzania
This is Aloisia Shemdoe who arrived at our training centre from Tanzania today! She left African heat last Monday to arrive for her training today and it's her first time…
Research Design for Teams using an NVivo Database
I was recently asked to put together a checklist for Principal Investigators of team projects (especially remote teams) who plan on deploying an NVivo database for their project. I’ve posted…
Mozambique Workshops – a lot of learning!
We have just completed a very interesting week long series of workshops in Mozambique. They were interesting because we learned a great deal from them. The workshops were arranged by…
QSR Release Excellent New Video – on NVivo 8
QSR International, the developers of NVivo 8 have just released a lovely new video giving a nice overview of the software. Click here to view it See also our introductory…