A Picture speaks a Thousand Words!
NVivo training remote support screen contents are transferred from any PC to another in real-time. So it is possible for two people in different locations to see the same desktop. It's like having your personal trainer or consultant sitting in the same room and at a time that's convenient for you. We are happy to train you at evenings or wekends if that better suits your needs.
While talking to you over the phone the NVivo training support personnel can show you how to get the best out of NVivo while you are sitting at your own PC and all this regardless of your geographical location.
The direction of the transmission can be shifted with just one click, so you can choose whether you watch your own screen or ours.
Firstly make sure that your PC is connected to the Internet via broadband.
Click here to download our support application which we will use during on-line training and troubleshooting. Save it to any folder on your PC.
Double-click on the file to run it.
You will see a ‘session number’ and password blanked out just like in the picture opposite.
Call 003531 4429719 or call on Skype (support@qdatraining.eu).
Tell us the session ID number before the session begins via e-mail or Skype
Keep the support application (screen opposite) running during the session
We can now train, support and troubleshoot any problems that you may be experiencing with regard to NVivo training, consultancy or support. We can also visually demonstrate how to solve the problem or address any training issuer rather than try to talk you through it.
When the on-line session with us has ended – close the support application (screen oppo
Your security is never compromised by direct remote access support because you control access and once disconnected a new session ID and password is required. Access can only happen at your behest.
Download support application here:
Click here to book your on-line training: