This video will help you understand how to manage codes, categories of codes and themes in NVivo; a process that almost all recognised qualitative data analysis methods require transitioning of your primary research data through:


The video discusses managing codes, categories, and themes in NVivo, emphasising the importance of applying recognised data analysis methods to research projects. It covers the processes of coding, managing codes through iterations, and developing themes from categories.


  • [⚙️] Coding involves recognizing units of meaning in data and creating codes.
  • [🔍] Managing codes through cycles involves moving from descriptive to interpretive coding.
  • [📊] Developing themes from categories requires analysing data and mapping codes to broader themes.
  • Key Moments
    • Introduction00:08
      • The video is suitable for individuals at any stage of their research journey, as it covers the process of managing codes, categories, and themes in NVivo.
      • The importance of applying recognised data analysis methods to data in NVivo is highlighted, as it is relevant to researchers in academia, publishing, and report writing.
    • Coding Data04:31
      • Coding involves recognizing units of meaning in text or media and assigning codes to represent those meanings.
      • The initial phase of coding tends to be descriptive, focusing on collating data without analysis.
      • AI tools can assist with descriptive coding but lack the interpretive abilities of human researchers.
    • Managing Codes10:59
      • Managing codes involves moving from descriptive coding to interpretive and abstract levels through cycles or iterations.
      • Researchers progress from coding based on participant input to engaging with theory, concepts, and policy.
      • Codes are organized into categories, providing a structured framework for data analysis.
    • Developing Themes16:00
      • Themes are identified as broad areas of analysis that emerge from categories and codes.
      • Themes represent underlying assumptions or concepts within the data that may not be immediately apparent.
      • The process involves creating themes based on data analysis and mapping categories to these themes to form a thematic framework

Other Videos Referred to in this video:


Here is a link to a one-hour webinar showing the practical application of Reflexive Thematic Analysis in NVivo: It is the second video on the page below the introduction to Thematic Analysis by Braun and Clarke

Here is a link to a copy of the project file shown in the webinar and the PowerPoint used, including notes: use this one for Windows use this one for MAC
The webinar was recorded using the current version of NVivo released in March 2020 known as R1. Because NVivo is not backward compatible, it will not open in older versions, unfortunately.
Here is a link to the slides shown in the webinar:


Here is a link to a video showing how to set up and follow the steps of IPA in NVivo.

Here is a link to the PowerPoint used in the video and the adapted NVivo Project file in Windows and MAC format (NVivo 14):

Audit Trail

Here is a link to a video demonstrating a completed audit trail. The data analysis method being demonstrated is Reflexive Thematic Analysis (RTA) but it could be applied to any method and almost all PhD or Doctoral level research projects require an audit trail as a means of demonstrating rigour in data analysis. while the video shows the various outputs, it does not demonstrate how to make such outputs because it would make the video extremely long; it is designed to give you some ideas as to what you may want to produce; however, the page I’m linking you to below, contains links beneath the video to other videos and resources mentioned in the video where they are demonstrated in practical terms should you wish to see those details: