How to generate an extract like I have in mind

Hi everyone,

I am relatively new in working with NVIVO. I have experience in building a coding scheme and in coding my data. But I have serious problems in creating a clear 'output' of my codings.

I have around 20 sources that are videos. I coded already some of them according to a predefined coding scheme and I am now trying to create an overview of my coding in excel. I think I need to do so by means of the 'New extract' function.

The output I am looking for is as follows:

  • I want my rows to be defined by my sources. Every row should represent a single source (if I have 23 video-sources, than I want to see 23 different rows, each representing another source)
  • I want my columns to be defined by the nodes of my coding scheme. Every column should represent a single node of the coding scheme.
  • Each cell of the table defined by the sources (rows) and the nodes of my coding scheme (columns) should contain the coverage in percentage for the specific node in the specific source.

This seems to me a rather simple output for analyzing the codings, but I've been searching for hours and hours but still without success… Very frustrating.

Any help would be very appreciated!

Best, Hendrik


One thought on “How to generate an extract like I have in mind”
  1. Hello Hendrik,

    My name is Ben Meehan. What you need is a matrix. This will give you exactly what you need. Go to queries/new query/matrix coding.

    1. Check the 'add to project' check box and give your query a  name to save your query in case you make a mistake
    2. Click on the second tab at the top 'matrix coding criteria'
    3. Click on the rows tab
    4. Choose the select button and browse for your sources (make sure to click on the add to list' box to actually ad them)
    5. Click on the column tab
    6. Choose the select button and browse for your coding scheme and select the relevant nodes
    7. This process will put the case (case nodes if you have them in the row or the sources if you dot not have case nodes and just one source per participant) and the coding scheme in the column.
    8. Click on the third tab 'query options'
    9. Change the drop down menu from 'preview' to 'create results as a new matrix,
    10. Give your matrix a name (it will be stored by default in the results folder)
    11. Then run the matrix. 
    12. Right click in the matrix area and select 'cell content'
    13. Choose row or column percentage option(s). You can also see sources, coded references, cases, words, duration in the case of media files and coding presence – Yes/No 

    Finally, when you have the matrix the way you want it, right click again and choose 'export node matrix' . This will automatically export the table to Excel where you can make it pretty 🙂

    I hope this helps Hendrik but do come back for clarity on any of this and I will reply by return. 

    Kind regards,

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