Harness the power of NVivo and Excel combined to offer researchers more options for creating visualizations of your data

This short video will show how to harness the power of NVivo and Excel combined to offer researchers more options for creating visualizations  and tables to present the outcomes of your data coding and analysis in NVivo:

Here is a link to a one-hour webinar we ran for Lumivero on visualising your data directly in NVivo.


In this YouTube video, the speaker explores visualization options in NVivo, a qualitative data analysis tool, and demonstrates a technique to enhance customization by integrating NVivo data with Excel. The video covers creating visualizations in NVivo, particularly using a tree map, but notes limitations in customization. The workaround involves exporting the data to Excel, where greater flexibility is achieved. The speaker showcases how to create a customized chart in Excel, emphasizing the efficiency of saving it as a template for universal application across various datasets.


  • 📊 Explores visualization options in NVivo and discusses limitations.
  • 🔄 Demonstrates integrating NVivo data with Excel for enhanced customization.
  • 🌳 Shows creating a tree map visualization in NVivo.
  • 🚀 Emphasizes the efficiency of exporting data to Excel for more flexibility.
  • 📈 Guides on creating a customized chart in Excel and saving it as a template for univ