Coding transcribed interviews + Orientation of Coding stripes

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  • #15285
    Sofia Ntaliou


    I have two questions. First, I somehow managed to have the coding stripes vertically and horizontally, and now I cannot find a way to turn one of them off. I would like to have only the vertical Coding Density bar please, if possible.


    Second, and most importantly, I transcribed my interviews in NVivo and then I started coding them directly there. However, when I move the text the coding stripes don’t move with it. So, I cannot see which text goes to which code. Is there a way to fix that or should I copy-paste my transcriptions to a text file and then do the coding there?

    (If I have to transfer them in a text file is there a way to also transfer the coding that I have done already?)


    Thank you!


    Hi Sofia,

    When you turn on coding stripes in a transcribed media file, you can drag either the horizontal or vertical stripes window to hide either if you don’t wish to see them as shown below:

    With regard to your second question, if you chose ‘Coding Stripes⇒Recently Coded’. as the filter, the coding stripes will update the filter automatically as you add content to existing codes or new ones.

    I hope this helps.

    Darragh Costello, B.Sc., M.Sc.

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