Importing from Excel into NVivo (Datasets) and Autocoding
We’ve just posted a tutorial video for importing mixed methods questionnaires in Excel into NVivo. It’s a question that comes up a lot both in our workshops and through on-line training and consultancy services. With the explosion in mixed methods research now and new and better tools in NVivo for dealing with this kind of data, more and more researchers are turning to on line services such as Survey Monkey to harvest data. This tutorial will show you how to import a mixed methods questionnaire from Excel to a properly constituted NVivo project database. It will show how using three automated processes will complete the process and create a robust NVivo project ready for analysis.It assumes the concept of the case node is understood. It uses Auto-coding as two of those processes. You can see the video below:
(NVivo for MAC – Video) http://qdatraining.com/portfolio/import-from-excel-to-mac-autocode/
(NVivo for MAC – Tutorial) http://qdatraining.com/downloads/excel-mac.pdf