We are in unprecedented times that will quickly impact on teaching and learning practices. As I write this post, I should be delivering our Day 1 – Introduction to NVivo 12 Setting up your Qualitative Database course in Trinity College Dublin Business School but this institution has already decided to move almost all teaching off campus and online for at least the rest of this semester. Other universities and schools have since been instructed by the government to follow these precautionary steps. Both educators and students of all kinds will have to quickly adapt to new ways of engaging with their subjects. This necessity will accelerate online learning and will likely impact on blended learning techniques and courses after the crisis ends.

Online teaching and learning is different to face-to-face classes and like everything, it has its pros and cons. There is a greater need for self-discipline in an online learning environment as learners may be more easily distracted if working from home. Connectivity is still a problem in many homes and there are different dynamics at play between face-to-face and online interactions both at group and individual levels. All of that said, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, many of us will have no choice in the coming weeks but to do a greater amount of teaching and learning online.
At QDATRAINING, we ave always used a blended approach to learning combining face-to-face group workshops with one-to-one face-to-face training days and online one-to-one training/consultancy. We also facilitate on the NVivo developers (QSR International) online asynchronous courses which, although online only, are blended insofar as there are live interactions with trainers via webinars in which participants actively engage rather than passively observe.
So, I think it’s worth listing your online options below if you are a Ph.D or Doctoral student , you may find yourself with a little more time for progressing your research endeavours if we move towards greater isolation of the population due to health experts’ recommendations followed by governmental restrictions on movement and gatherings.
These key options include:
Option 1 – One-to-One Online learning using your live data:
Option 2 – Online Asynchronous Courses using tutorial or live data at Introductory and Intermediate Levels:
Option 3 – Self-teach Online Using Free Resources. https://qdatraining.com/nvivo-animated-tutorials/
Such resources include:
YouTube Videos
FAQ Pages Blogs
Free Webinars:
Online Forums
There will be something for everyone in this mix of options. The central point is that the spread of Covid-19 does not need to impede your learning opportunities; it may even enhance them with less time spent travelling and more time at home. I hope this post is helpful, but do let me know if you have any questions or concerns https://qdatraining.com/contact/