Dr. Sarah Kieran (University of Limerick) 2017
You may or may not remember that you supported me with the NVivo analysis of my manager diaries a while back for my PhD. I just saw an email from Jean about upcoming courses and it prompted me to send you a long overdue thank you for that support. NVivo was invaluable to me in my PhD (achieved successfully this time last year). The analysis of those 355 diaries would just not have been physically possible manually but NVivo also facilitated some really interest quant analysis of the frequency tables I was able to generate on my qual. I was able to appendix data that showed individual level manager activities over the 12 weeks of diaries which was fascinating and then show evidence of relationships between themes – all of which was complimented by my examiners.
I don’t think I would even have managed to get those diaries into NVivo without your phone support so I really appreciate that extra hand-holding.
Wishing you all the best and thanks again.
Dr. Sarah Kieran
Dept. of Personnel and Employee Relations
Office: KB2-25
Kemmy Business School
University of Limerick
Dr Sara Kennedy (Waterford Institute of Technology – WIT) 2016
I just wanted to let you know I have just done the viva and passed!! Very few amendments! I am absolutely thrilled and seriously grateful to you for all of your sound sense and wisdom over the last few years!!. I really always felt I could ask you anything and that meant a lot.
Philip James, University of Bournemouth (January, 2014)
Now that I have the opportunity, may I say that I have the utmost admiration for the work you do. You are the consummate professional with, as the Americans would say, the most “can-do”, positive attitude I’ve ever encountered. Your exceptional knowledge is only matched by your dedication to help. It’s a very real pleasure to have met and been instructed by you. A most sincere thank you once again.
Philip James MSc MBPsS FRSA
PhD Researcher
School of Tourism, Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus
Dorset House, Fern Barrow, Poole, Dorset BH12 5BB
Gwen Ryan – Whitaker Institute:
A couple of people contacted me after your last session to give me unsolicited feedback because they were so impressed by you so I thought I should pass that on. One lady in particular said that you were excellent at communicating at all levels and handling the different levels of ability in the class and that you are a fantastic instructor.
Gwen Ryan
Administrative Assistant | Whitaker Institute | Cairnes Building | NUI Galway | Galway | Ireland
I’ve attached a few pictures from the session last week (click here to see pics). As you can see, we had a full house! I told Ben, the session presenter, that this training was probably the best I’ve been to for professional development. The training will not only be useful for those in attendance, but will have an expansive effect as the faculty and research team leaders work with graduate students and others on projects. What is particularly helpful about the session is the after training support provided—many of the doctoral students in attendance were particularly grateful for this feature as they enter dissertation phase.The session has spurred on other conversations as well. This fall, I’ll follow up on this training session and work with a group interested in qualitative research questions and support to form an interest group. The cross campus participation in the training session was particularly useful as it helped make some connections about research projects and ways to conduct analysis.
Pamela L. Eddy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
The College of William and Mary
School of Education, Office 3082
301 Monticello Avenue
Williamsburg, VA 23187

Professor Bernard Forgues Well, attending the session today was no waste of time either! Thanks! This has been above expectations, and was excellent. I think Ben has found the perfect balance between the underlying concepts and the practicalities of the software. There was also a perfect balance between overwhelming people with too much information and frustrating them was too little. More generally, Ben did a fantastic job at keeping everyone interested, even those whom were entirely new to the topic as not everyone shared the same level of experience. Ben says he’s been doing this for years, and it definitely shows! Excellent: the way he is able to not lose anyone whilst simultaneously not upsetting others is amazing. Honestly, I cannot see how this could course could be improved. I am delighted with the session and do plan to organise further sessions for our PhD program, maybe every other year.Professor of Organizan TheoryDirector of the PhD ProgrammeEMLYON Business School
My sincere gratitude extends to Ben Meehan for assisting me with the qualitative portion of my mixed methods dissertation project. From day one, Ben was available as needed and met all timelines from start to finish. I am happy to inform Ben that my Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership degree was conferred in February and my graduation will commence in June. An acknowledgement of Ben is definitely in my dissertation because without him, I would not have gotten so far so quickly. Thanks to Ben for pushing me to the limits and providing continual support no matter the hour or request.
I am eternally grateful to Ben and appreciate his professionalism and expertise. Ben is the best!
With gratitude,
- Dr. Deborah A. Johnson-Blake
- aka “DJ”
- Deborah A. Johnson-Blake, Ph.D.
- Atlanta Technical College
- Atlanta, 30310
- Georgia
Dr. Bernadette Ní English:
The day has arrived! Tomorrow I submit in Manchester, Deo gracias.
Thank you so much for wonderful tuition, and equally wonderful support throughout
the process. You’re name is writ large in my work! I couldn’t have done
it without you. Thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart
Bernadette Ní English
St. Patrick’s Teacher Training College
I thought you’d like to know I was conferred in Edinburgh on Monday with a Doctorate in Education.
Got through the viva with no revisions to make – a very welcome miracle and a big relief!
Thanks for all your help, advice and support throughout the data analysis, and more besides.
There are plenty of things I’d still like to learn about NVIVO and I hope to get the chance to do so again.
I hope life is treating you well and that and business is good.
All the best
Dr. Josephine A. Boland
Senior Lecturer
Programme Director M.Ed./PDPES
National University of Ireland, Galway
School of Education
Leah Quinlivan:
Hi Ben, just want to say thanks so much for the day. Seriously, I feel so much more confident in preparation for my field work. Please put me on the list for any further courses, they are excellent.
Thanks, Leah
Leah Quinlivan
PhD Student
University College Dublin
Dr. Colman Motherway:
Thanks very much for all your help over the past nearly 2 years now – I wouldn’t have had a hope of getting this far without your help.
I’ll be in touch Ben. Regards to you and all your family.
Dr. Colman Motherway
Dr. Naomi Elliott
Delighted to know that you can do the NVIVO lectures for the Master’s
students again this year. The students continue to enjoy your sessions, so
thank you for your support and contribution to the Master’s programme.
Naomi Elliott
School of Nursing & Midwifery
Trinity College Dublin
Professor Imelda Coyne
It is so reassuring to have you tackling this data analysis.
Best wishes
Professor Imelda Coyne
School of Nursing & Midwifery
Erna O’Connor
“Ben combines his technical knowledge with excellent ability as a trainer.”
“He is a natural teacher.”
Erna O’Connor
School of Social Work and Social Policy
Trinity College Dublin
Dr. Catherine Houghton
Thanks a million for today, it was so lovely to spend time with someone who understands what I am trying to achieve and it was of such immense help. I came back full of beans (not used to so much coffee) and using my pseudo-energy to put in my attributes tonight.
Catherine E. Houghton
School of Nursing and Midwifery,
Aras Moyola,
NUI Galway
Dr Liz Martin:Just wanted to say a big ‘Thank you’ for all your help trouble shooting NVivo. Loved the software and your training in NUIG and subsequent remote user support was invaluable in analysing my data. Thesis submitted now………..amazing how quickly you move on from it all!LizLiz MartinNational University of IrelandGalway