- How to use AI Tools in NVivo for Literature ReviewHow to use the new AI tools in NVivo for literature Review, Screening or Synthesis – tips and tricks Summary The video discusses the new AI tools integrated into NVivo 15 for conducting literature reviews. It highlights how these tools can summarize articles, suggest codes, and facilitate data management without ethical concerns associated with primary data. The ...
- Understand the Possibilities of AI Assist in NVivoHarness the power of AI right in your NVivo project. Learn how to use new AI tools in NVivo: Summary The video discusses the new AI Assist feature in NVivo 15, highlighting its integration of large language models for qualitative data analysis. Unlike previous versions, AI Assist allows users to summarize interviews and suggest descriptive codes without ...
- How to use Memos; Annotations & See Also Links in NVivoThis video will demonstrate the use of memos, annotations and see-also-links in NVivo and explains their importance in academic settings: Summary The video discusses the importance of capturing and integrating soft data in qualitative research using NVivo software. It highlights the significance of context, researcher bias, and tools like memos, annotations, and see also links for organizing ...
- How to Create Codes; Categories of Codes & Themes in NVivoThis video will help you understand how to manage codes, categories of codes and themes in NVivo; a process that almost all recognised qualitative data analysis methods require transitioning of your primary research data through: Summary The video discusses managing codes, categories, and themes in NVivo, emphasising the importance of applying recognised data analysis methods to research ...
- NVivo Transcription ExplainedSummary Learn about NVivo Transcription, an automated transcription assistant for qualitative research. It offers quick, easy, and precise transcription, saving time for data analysis. The tool supports various audio formats, transcribes multiple languages, and provides editing options. In NVivo, the latest version integrates in vivo transcription for seamless use, while earlier versions allow file export. Users ...
- How to use Social Network Analysis in NVivo – understanding and applying sociogramsHow to use Social Network Analysis in NVivo – understanding and applying sociograms. Summary This YouTube video explores the concept of sociograms, focusing on egocentric and network sociograms, and demonstrates their application using a Twitter dataset. A sociogram visually represents social connections between individuals or entities, utilizing vertices for cases (people, groups, or organizations) and edges for ...
- How to Run Coding Reports in NVivo using NVivo Built in Reporting ToolHow to Run Coding Reports in NVivo using NVivo Built in Reporting Tool Summary This video tutorial explains how to run coding reports in NVivo using the built-in reporting tool. It demonstrates how to extract coding structure, code content, and apply filters for specific documents and codes. The tutorial also covers the customization of reports and the ...
- Understanding and Applying ‘See Also Links’ in NVivo for WindowsUnderstanding and applying ‘See Also Links‘ in NVivo for Windows: Summary This video tutorial introduces See-Also links in NVivo, which allows users to link two text segments together. The process involves highlighting the desired text, copying it, and pasting it as a See-Also link in a memo. These links are recorded with a red highlight and can ...
- Auto-coding using Structure and Style of DocumentSummary This video demonstrates how to use automatic coding using a specific style or structure in a document. It explains how to apply heading styles in Microsoft Word or nvivo to gather responses to a question across multiple transcripts. The video also shows how to use the auto code feature, select the appropriate heading style, and ...
- Introducing Crosstab Queries in NVivo 12, NVivo2020 (R1) or NVivo14Introducing Crosstab Queries in NVivo 12, NVivo2020 (R1) or NVivo14 Summary The video introduces the Crosstab Query in NVivo, emphasizing its ability to cross-tabulate four dimensions of data, providing a faster alternative to the matrix coding query. The crosstab query in NVivo allows users to analyze sentiment codes in relation to attributes such as community and age ...
- Introducing Coding Queries on NVivo 12, 2020 (R1)) or NVivo 14Introducing Coding Queries on NVivo 12, 2020 (R1) or NVivo 14 Summary In this YouTube tutorial on NVivo, the presenter introduces Coding Queries, a feature that allows users to explore coded content in greater detail. The video demonstrates how to initiate a coding query from the Explorer ribbon, using logic-based criteria to refine the search. By selecting ...
- Practical Application of Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) in NVivo (tips and tools)Learn how to practically apply Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) using NVivo in this One-hour Tutorial Video. Learn how to practically apply Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) using NVivo in this One-hour Tutorial Video. Includes tools and tips including AI tools where appropriate. Includes a linked memo in the sample NVivo project file used which documents how one ...
- Understanding and Applying Cases and Classification on NVivo for MACHere is a list of 7 short videos that cover how to set up cases and classifications for interviews, focus groups or surveys in NVivo for MAC: 1 – Creating Cases from 1 to 1 Interviews: 2 – Creating Cases from Multi-person Interviews: 3 -Creating Multi-file Cases: 4 – Creating Classifications: 5 -Creating Attributes: 6 – Creating cases and classifications in ...
- How to Correctly Set up your Literature in NVivoThis video demonstrates how to correctly set up your literature for review, screening, or synthesis in NVivo and addresses some common mistakes made during this process. It also mentions several related videos on this channel and provides links below: In this YouTube video, the focus is on setting up a literature review using NVivo, a data ...
- Working in Teams using NVivo – 3 options explainedThis 40 minute webinar delivered to a small team may be helpful for researchers collaborating with others while utilising the power of NVivo: This video discusses working in teams using NVivo, a research software. The presenter emphasizes the importance of understanding how NVivo handles data and introduces three options for collaboration: Collaboration Server, Collaboration Cloud, and ...
- Unlocking the Secrets of Qualitative Data Analysis: A Journey Through QDATRAINING.ComThis post was written by AI when asked to summarise the entire content of our website. Introduction: Welcome, curious minds and aspiring researchers, to an immersive journey through the fascinating world of qualitative data analysis! Today, we delve into the virtual haven of knowledge: www.qdatraining.com. This unique platform is dedicated to empowering researchers and students with ...
- Visualize your Data with NVivoThis is a one-hour webinar offered to the Lumivero NVivo Research Network on how to visualize data in NVivo. The PowerPoint slides used in the video are available at this link: Click here Summary The YouTube webinar focuses on using visualizations in NVivo, led by certified platinum NVivo trainer Ben Meehan and Enterprise Accounts Director Simon Taylor. ...
- Synchronising Text and Images and Coding Text and Images in Harmony in NVivoThis short video demonstrates how you can synchronise text and images; link text segments to parts of images and codify either in NVivo.
- Coding PDFs in NVivoThis short video shows how to code text or images from a PDF to also include old scanned Academic Papers which may be images of text or contain handwritten content:
- Thematic analysis – an introduction by Braun & ClarkeWatch Braun and Clarke deliver a one-hour presentation on introducing their brand of ‘Reflexive Thematic Analysis’ Watch the video above or read Braun and Clarke 2006 & 2020 to gain a grasp of the philosophical underpinnings and guidlines for practical application T/A as your data analysis method. Click here to download the 2006 paper and here to ...
- NVivo Matrix for MACThis short video demonstrates the utility of Matrices in NVivo for MAC Summary This YouTube video demonstrates how to create and use a matrix in the Mac version of NVivo software. The process includes aggregating codes, intersecting nodes, and analysing sentiment distribution across themes. The interface is similar to the Windows version, and users can save, export, ...
- NVivo 9 or 10 – Tutorial 2 – making cases in NVivo and linking them to demographicsTutorial 2 – making cases in NVivo and linking them to demographics – connecting sources to demographics Tutorial 2 – connecting sources to demographics NVivo allows for full integration between intangibles such as attitudes and beliefs coded to a node or theme and tangibles such as demographics which may act as an external force which influences such ...
- Improving Your Literature Review with NVivo for Windows
- What’s New in NVivohttps://qdatraining.com/nvivo-animated-tutorials/
- Visualizations in NVivoThis QSR video looks at visualisations in NVivo:
- Organise your Demographic Data with NVivo for MAC
- Import from Excel to MAC & AutocodeYou can also download a tutorial with screenshots here: (NVivo for MAC – Tutorial) https://qdacloud.myqnapcloud.com/share.cgi?ssid=0NbfxTr Summary This tutorial explains how to import and set up a questionnaire from an Excel spreadsheet on a Mac using the software Vivo. The tutorial highlights the availability of the auto-coding function from Vivo version 11 and onwards, which allows users to import ...
- Importing EndNote Library to NVivo
- Import your Survey from SurveyMonkey
- Using the Excel to NVivo Import Wizard (NVivo for Windows – Version 11,12 & R1)Summary This video tutorial explains the process of importing surveys into NVivo, using an Excel file as an example. It covers setting up a survey folder, choosing import formats, and configuring survey data. The tutorial highlights the creation of cases from Excel rows, attaching closed-ended questions as attributes, and organizing open-ended questions as codes. Highlights 📁 Setting up Survey ...
- Using a Matrix in NVivoMatrices are very powerful for intersecting or cross-tabulating items in your database. This example looks at cross-referencing interviews with a coding scheme to do an in-case-or cross case analysis but you can use matrices to cross-references nodes with each other to check for co-occurrences or to consider nodes with demographic/profiling information from participants or even ...
- Using Memos in NVivoSummary This video tutorial introduces the use of memos in NVivo 12 for recording thoughts and reflections during research. Memos can be linked to specific items, themes, or queries, and annotations can also be added to highlight unfamiliar terms for later reference. Highlights 📝 Memos in NVivo 12 are used to record thoughts, feelings, and reflections during research. 🔗 ...
- Running a Text Search in NVivoNVivo 2020 and NVivo 14 Summary This video introduces the Text Search Query feature in NVivo. It demonstrates how to run a text search query to find specific words or phrases, including stemmed words. The video highlights the ability to search within selected items and cases, offering context to references. It also explains how to save query ...
- Learn Basic Coding TechniquesLearn the basics of coding text: Summary The video demonstrates three methods for coding text: drag and drop, right-click, and using the code panel. The process involves selecting relevant text and assigning it to specific codes. Duplicate coding can be avoided, and text can be uncoded and recoded as needed. Highlights Three coding methods: drag and drop, right-click, ...
- Tutorial 14 Exporting Coded Video Clips from Nodes in NVivoThis is a very short three minute clip demonstrating how to export video clips from nodes in NVivo to HTML files for viewing and sharing. In this example, the video clip is non-embedded in NVivo as this is the case with most videos because they tend to be very large files:
- Tutorial 13 – using a coding strategyThis short video offers a simple practical example of using NVivo to bring efficiency and transparency to your analytical strategy. This can be a very useful way of ensuring your processes are entirely consistent with your chosen data analysis methodology and its philosophical underpinnings. This example shows three cycles of coding moving from the descriptive ...
- Tutorial 12 -Importing from Excel into NVivo (Datasets) and AutocodingThis tutorial will show you how to import a mixed methods questionnaire from Excel (perhaps downloaded from a service such as Survey Monkey) to a properly constituted NVivo project database. It will show how three automated processes will complete the process and create a robust NVivo project ready for analysis.It assumes the concept of the ...
- Tutorial 10 – customizing your work space to code videoWe had the following question posted on the forum concerning coding video and customising the NVivo workspace to facilitate ease of coding: I have earlier used NVivo9 in coding my Word documents. Now I have been coding DV recordings. This seem to be very time-consuming. I wonder if I can use NVivo, as I cannot code “drag and ...
- Tutorial 9 – Auto-coding Media Files in NVivoTutorial 3 dealt with auto-coding regular textual files such as MS Word. This short tutorial demonstrates how to auto-code media files in NVivo 9 & 10. That is, audio, video or images. The process and outcomes are exactly the same as using text files but the approach is slightly different: Upload:
- Tutorial 8 – Reviewing your NVivo coding using the coding stripes and highlighter toolsReviewing and managing your coding can be as important as coding itself. This tutorial shows you how to use the coding stripes and highlighter tools to review your data. You can review a transcript or code (node) to see what has been coded to and to where. These tools work with text and all media ...
- Tutorial 7 – Formatting in Word for Auto-coding – Part 2
- Formatting in Word for Auto-coding in NVivoThis tutorial is designed as part 1 of 2 tutorials: How to format a Word document which reflects your topic guide which should have been derived from your research question. How to autocode the formatted document in NVivo
- Tutorial 6 – Transcribing within NVivoTutorial 6 – Transcribing within NVivo This tutorial is a simple example of transcribing within NVivo. You get absolute synchronisation between the audio and textual files. So, for example, you can text search audio files and when you code a lot of content to a node, you can read/listen to get the best understanding possible from your ...
- Tutorial 5 – ‘uncoding’ incorrectly coded content from a nodeA short tutorial on how to remove, incorrectly coded content using NVivo 9 & 10. Uncoding from a node is asimple process as demonstrated below: Upload:
- Tutorial 4 – coding audio or any media fileTutorial 4 – coding audio or any media file: In NVivo 8, 9 or 10 it is possible to code audio, video images or indeed any media file direct from the source. It is exactly the same process as one have hitherto applies to a textual transcript. See this brief demonstration:
- Tutorial 3 – auto-codingTutorial 3 – auto-coding A simple of example of auto-coding using NVivo 9 & 10:
- NVivo 9 or 10 – Tutorial 2 – making cases in NVivo and linking them to demographicsTutorial 2 – making cases in NVivo and linking them to demographics – connecting sources to demographics Tutorial 2 – connecting sources to demographics NVivo allows for full integration between intangibles such as attitudes and beliefs coded to a node or theme and tangibles such as demographics which may act as an external force which influences such ...
- NVivo 9 or 10 – Tutorial 1 – Importing sources into NVivo 9 & 10A short animated screen-cast tutorial on importing sources (sources are interview transcripts, audio, video or images pertinent to your project) into NVivo 9 or 10: Upload:
- Importing Mendeley Library to NVivo for MACLearn how to import your Mendeley library into NVivo for MAC Summary This tutorial demonstrates how to import and optimize data from bibliography software, using Zotero as an example. The process involves exporting a map of the files, importing them into NVivo, and organizing them with metadata. This allows for easy searching and coding of the documents ...
- QDATRAINING Importing Classifications into NVivo for MACLearn how to import a classification sheet to NVivo for MAC Summary This tutorial demonstrates the process of importing a classification sheet into InVivo, specifically for classifying data from an Excel file. It highlights the straightforward steps involved in the import process. Highlights 📊 To import a classification sheet in NVivo, you can use the “Import Classification Sheet” feature. 📁 ...
- Coding in NVivo for MacCoding in NVivo for Mac See a brief video on coding in NVivo for MAC Summary The video demonstrates three methods for coding text: drag and drop, right-click, and using the code panel. It guides through the process of coding passages of text to specific codes or sub-codes, allowing for efficient organization and analysis. Highlights 💡 The video covers three ...
- Importing with NVivo 12 MACImporting with NVivo 12 MAC See a brief video to give you some ideas for importing with NVivo 12 for MAC
- Mange nodes with NVivo 12 MacMange nodes with NVivo 12 Mac See brief video below to give you some ideas about managing nodes in NVivo 12 for MAC
- Gathering Annotations using a Compound QuerySummary This video tutorial demonstrates how to gather annotations into a single node for retrieval and reporting purposes. The compound query in NVivo allows users to search annotations and combine text searches with coding queries, making it a powerful tool. The video also explains how to set up the query properties and options to extract annotations ...
- Extracting all Annotations and Reporting from NVivoSummary This video tutorial discusses how to extract, view, and report annotations and related text or media in NVivo. It outlines the limitations of current functionalities, such as the lack of a direct reporting feature for annotations, and provides workarounds. These include coding annotations into a node, using compound queries, and exporting data in document or ...
- Using the Framework Matrix/Grid in NVivoThis video tutorial introduces framework matrices in NVivo 12, a tool for cross-tabulating qualitative data. Framework matrices can be used to generate results or create summaries. They are stored within the notes area, and you can create one by specifying a name, selecting cases (participants), and choosing themes (columns). You can use a framework matrix ...
- Merging NVivo Project Files – working in teamsSummary This video discusses the process of merging NVivo project files for collaborative work, especially when working across different locations or institutions. It explains how to combine separate project files to enable collaboration, emphasizing the importance of not editing sources in remote copies to prevent duplication during merging. Highlights 📂 NVivo for Teams allows network-based collaboration, but it ...
- Importing and Syncing Word Transcript to Audio/Media in NVivoSummary This tutorial on QDATRAINING demonstrates how to import and sync a transcript with audio media in NVivo for Windows. The instructor emphasizes the importance of synchronizing text with media, allowing users to both listen and read passages for coding, retrieval, and reporting. The tutorial outlines the necessary format for time spans in the transcript, requiring ...
- Using a Word Frequency Search in NVivoThis tutorial video will provide information and practical steps for understanding and applying word frequency searches in NVivo for Windows. Summary This tutorial introduces the Word Frequency Query in NVivo Release 1, explaining how to run the query, customize search parameters, and visualize results using a Word Cloud. It also covers the addition of stop words to ...
- The Utility of “Sets” in NVivoLearn how to utilise “Sets” or groups in NVivo to organise data into natural groups for further retrieval and analysis to come. The first video demonstrates sets in version 12 while the second video on this page explains sets in NVivo 2020 and NVivo 14 (same interface) NVivo 12 NVivo 2020 (r1) and NVivo 14 Summary This video introduces ...
- Import Classification Sheet to NVivo 11, 12, NVivo 2020 (R1), NVivo 14 or NVivo 15 for WindowsLearn how to import a classification sheet created in Excel (containing demographic or profiling information on participants) to NVivo 12 for Windows Summary This YouTube tutorial discusses how to import a classification sheet into NVivo V12 for Windows, focusing on quantitative data. It explains the process of linking cases to classifications, ensuring that names in Excel match, ...
- Using NVivo to Create & Synchronise Transcripts from Media FilesA short tutorial covering the steps for using the NVivo automatic transcription service. This service allows researchers to create textual transcripts from media files and synchronise them with the media itself. Works the same with both Windows and MAC versions of NVivo
- Create NVivo Cases from Focus Groups and Interviews using Automatic Coding by Speaker NameThis short video explains how to automatically code cases from focus groups and interviews using the speaker name/ID: Summary The video tutorial demonstrates the process of automatically coding focus groups or multi-person interviews in NVivo 12, simplifying the creation of individual cases for each participant. The speaker names need unique tags, and the tutorial uses a project ...
- Using NCapture with NVivoThis video gives you an overview of working with NCapture and NVivo to capture web content including social media: Summary This video provides a tutorial on using NVivo 4’s NCapture tool to capture various internet sources, including web pages, Twitter feeds, and YouTube videos, for integration into NVivo projects. The demonstration focuses on capturing content within Chrome, ...
- Using a Matrix in NVivo 12A quick guide here on understanding and applying matrices in NVivo for Windows: See version 12 below: Summary The video introduces Matrix Coding Queries in NVivo, explaining their use in cross-tabulation for analyzing three data attributes. Demonstrating a practical example, it guides users through setting up criteria, running queries, and interpreting results. The flexibility of Matrix Coding ...
- Coding in NVivo 12 for WindowsSee a series of 4 brief videos below on coding in NVivo: 1 – Getting Started with Coding 2 – Viewing your Coding 3 – Reviewing your Coding 4 – Further Coding Techniques 1 – Getting Started 2 – Viewing Your Coding 3 – Reviewing your Codes 4 – Further Coding Techniques
- Importing with NVivo 12Importing with NVivo 12 See a brief video below for importing with NVivo 12 for Windows
- Managing Nodes with NVivo 12Managing Nodes with NVivo 12 See a brief video below for managing nodes with NVivo 12 for Windows
- Don’t let the Coronavirus impede your learning journey with NVivo – move everything onlineWe are in unprecedented times that will quickly impact on teaching and learning practices. As I write this post, I should be delivering our Day 1 – Introduction to NVivo 12 Setting up your Qualitative Database course in Trinity College Dublin Business School but this institution has already decided to move almost all teaching off ...
- Support Services over Christmas Holiday PeriodSupport Services over Christmas Holiday Period QDATRAINING Ltd will continue its support services for clients over the Christmas period. We will be working with reduced staff, so please be patient as we will definitely respond within one working day to your queries. Happy Christmas to one and all; and all ...
- Using Clustering as a Tool: Mixed Methods in Qualitative Data AnalysisThis webinar on using Using Clustering as a Tool: Mixed Methods in Qualitative Data Analysis was delivered by Dr, Laura Macia, PhD and is worth watching for anyone interested in understanding and utilising cluster analysis in NVivo:
- NVivo 1-to-1 support for your Student GroupsNVivo 1-to-1 NVivo Training & Consultancy Support for your Student Groups QDATRAINING is proud to add a new service to it’s NVivo training and consultancy services for 2018. Course designers and administrators can now avail of 1 to 5 year NVivo support contracts for student groups. This is exactly the same service enjoyed by researchers who attend ...
- Interested in Researching Vulnerable Groups – don’t miss this opportunityPerspectives on hidden victims’Findings of three new innovative studies’ – 27th April 2017, Room KBG-12 Kemmy Business School If you’re interested in researching vulnerable groups, then don’t miss a one day programme being run by the Centre for Crime, Justice & Victim Studies, School of Law, University of Limerick at the above venue and date. You ...
- New & Easier Coding Functions in NVivo 11 for WindowsSee the new coding features incorporated into the latest NVivo 11 update for Windows which greatly simplify coding data:
- New Features NVivo 11 – Windows – Visualizations
- Kathy Charmaz Discusses Constructivist Grounded TheoryFor anyone embarking on constructivist a grounded theory project, you might want to consider investing an hour viewing this excellent discussion with between Professor Charmaz and Graham Gibbs from the University of Huddersfield. This interview offers some wonderful insights into how one might develop an analytical strategy for qualitative data analysis based on Professor Charmaz’s ...
- NVivo 11 Suite is AnnouncedNVivo 11 is on the way QSR International have announced the imminent release of an NVivo 11 suite. The release date will be October, 2015 with some pretty significant changes to look forward to. The big change will be the splitting of the Windows product into three editions described as “STARTER”, “PRO” and “PLUS”. NVivo 11 – ...
- Conducting Inter-rater Reliability Testing in NVivoAvoiding the Classic Mistakes We get a lot of queries through our website from people who are grappling with the practical application of inter-rater reliability testing in NVivo. This can be a frustrating experience as the entire coding exercise, which often involves multiple coders, sometimes has to be repeated because the test was not set up ...
- What is Mixed-MethodsWhat is Mixed Methods? Mixed methods have become very popular in recent years and QDATRAINING now finds itself training and consulting in disciplines that were traditionally quantitative methods orientated. Our experience in the workshops suggests that people frequently think of mixed methods as two parallel processes rather than a truly integrated approach (including integrated data) resulting in ...
- Excel to NVivoImporting from Excel into NVivo (Datasets) and Autocoding We’ve just posted a tutorial video for importing mixed methods questionnaires in Excel into NVivo. It’s a question that comes up a lot both in our workshops and through on-line training and consultancy services. With the explosion in mixed methods research now and new and better tools in ...
- We’re gearing up for MACThe developers of NVivo, QSR International have just announced that they will be releasing full MAC version of NVivo 10 in the last quarter of 2013. This is great news for trainers because having to run Windows Parallels or similar software on MAC operating systems was becoming increasingly inconvenient for those researchers who prefer to ...
- Defining the Constant Comparison MethodAnalytical Strategy using the Constant Comparative Method The methodology adopted by this study is based on the constant comparative method according to Maykut and Morehouse (1994) who draw on the work of Glaser and Strauss (1967) and Lincoln and Guba (1985) in their development of this methodological framework. As Maykut and Morehouse (1994) point out: “words ...
- Importing Word files with CommentsHello, I'm importing Word files in NVivo 9 that are full of comments added in Word. Is it possible to importe the comments along with the file? for example as annotations? Thanks for your help! Véronique
- Importing Word files with CommentsHello, I'm importing Word files in NVivo 9 that are full of comments added in Word. Is it possible to importe the comments along with the file? for example as annotations? Thanks for your help! Véronique
- QDATRAINING IN Williamsburg NC – USA – The college of William & MaryWe recently had the privilege of running a two day workshop in The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. The session was organized by Dr. Pam Eddy, of the School of Education who is an Associate Professor and Fulbright Scholar who happened to have conducted primary research in Ireland in 2009 and more particularly, ...
- Relationship Nodes in NVivoI responded to a query on the LinkedIn NVivo user group today from someone asking for general ideas and interesting ways of using relationship nodes in NVivo. He said: I’ve finished coding & analysing my pilot data. I’ve realised that the content of a Parent Node A broadly comes before Parent Node B. I’m trying to ...
- Printing Coding Stripes in NVivo 7, 8 or 9Printing coding stripes from NVivo 7, 8, 9 or 10 has long since been a source of complaint from users of this website. We are promised a report to make this possible and EASY with the release of NVivo 10 scheduled for June, 2012. I really hope this proves to be the case because we ...
- On-line NVivo ConsultationOn-line Consultancy – more than ‘click here’ training! Sometimes, it’s not ‘click here’ training that qualitative researchers need. It can be a whole range of additional supports. It may be conceptual rather than technical such as getting help to develop an analytical strategy for your project that is entirely consistent with your chosen data analysis methodology and ...
- ConsultancyWe have a proven track record consulting on computer aided qualitative data analyses research projects. See our client list on the main menu to see the many universities and statutory agencies that have used our services. On our testimonials page you will see the many individuals who have sought help with analysing their qualitative data for their PhD projects. ...
- Using NVivo for your Audit Trail – demonstrating rigour in your analysis and supporting your findingsI received an e-mail this morning from a US client who we are working one-to-one with. He is very competent with NVivo and has completed his coding using the tool. The thrust of his e-mail was that he had completed his coding and where to from here? I’ve posted my entire reply below with only ...
- Using NVivo for Framework AnalysisFramework analysis is a qualitative data analysis method developed by the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) and which up to recently had its own software package. With the release of NVivo version 9.1 last October came an announcement of a decision by NatCen to cease using their own software and work with QSR International, the NVivo ...
- New Course – NVivo LiveA One Day NVivo Training & Consultancy Group Workshop Day 3 – Working with live data Following the success of the first course The workshop will be delivered again in University of Limerick on the 4th of May, 2012 by Ben Meehan of QDATRAINING Who should attend? This workshop is designed for researchers who have completed initial NVivo training, ...
- Making sense of the coding comparrison query in NVivoSome people find it difficult to read the returns from a ‘coding comparison query’ in NVivo. It is a confusing report. The percentage element of the report uses the total number of measurable units in the source (words in the case of a text file) and so the levels of agreement are a ratio of the total document. However, if ...
- Guidelines for preparing for the qualitative interviewGuidelines for preparing for the qualitative interview We recently launched a qualitative interview skills course in National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) and it was delivered by Dr. Toni Owens, PhD. The course came about as a result of the success of our “Nvivo ready formatted” transcription service. During the course of this work, we ...
- QUALMAT Work Package 5 – a jewel in the crownQUALMAT Work Package 5 – important in building capacity I am writing this article as a follow up to one I wrote last May when I first came into contact with the QUALMAT project. The reason I am writing this blog to you is to make you aware of something very interesting which the university of Heidelberg ...
- NEW Interview Skills Course LaunchedPlanning your qualitative interview or focus group We have just launched a new half day workshop on interviewing skills. The reason we have designed this course is because of the quality of some of the transcripts coming to our NVivo formatted transcription service. Poor ability to conduct a qualitative interview to the requisite standard can pose a ...
- Focus Group GuidelinesGuideline for Preparing your Focus Group Over the past decade, we have been involved directly and indirectly in planning, running and managing data from many focus groups. A lot of things can go wrong during a focus group. People sometimes come to a focus group with an agenda. The response you get may not be linked ...
- QUALMAT & Heidelberg WorkshopsQUALMAT –Executive Summary QUALMAT is a collaborative health care intervention research project aimed at improving pre-natal and maternity care in sub Saharan Africa in the context of quality deficiencies at the point of service delivery due to low staff motivation. The project is being co-ordinated by Professor Rainer Sauerborn of the Institute of Public Health, University Hospital, ...
- New 3 Day NVivo RetreatHow would you like for you and/or your research team to get away from work and home for three full days and have the opportunity to work intensively on your research project? Would you like combine the very best NVivo training with individual consultancy and peer group discussions in an extremely peaceful and tranquil setting? ...
- Recent French WorkshopsHi all! We have now completed these French workshops and they were a wonderful experience. Apart from the fact that they were a fantastic group to work with, the feedback we got from Bernard Forgues, who is Professor of Organizational Theory and Director of the PhD Programme at Emlyon Business School which is the sixth most ...
- Research Design for Teams using an NVivo DatabaseI was recently asked to put together a checklist for Principal Investigators of team projects (especially remote teams) who plan on deploying an NVivo database for their project. I’ve posted it here as it may assist qualitative researchers in thinking through all the pros and cons whilst planning their team projects: Research Design – Team Project Data ...
- Mozambique Workshops – a lot of learning!We have just completed a very interesting week long series of workshops in Mozambique. They were interesting because we learned a great deal from them. The workshops were arranged by Susan Bradley from the Centre for Global Health, Trinity College, Dublin. They were challenging because we were unsure before arrival as to the levels of ...
- NVivo Help and SupportAt QDATRAINING, we are aiming to build a ‘knowledge base’ of NVivo users training needs. A place where people can log in and and discover if someone else has had the same training issue as them. So, please feel free to post your question here and, apart from getting a response from an NVivo trainer within one ...