Academic Writing and Referencing: We Provide an Academic Editing, Guidance and Consultancy Service 

Across all disciplines from Business Studies to the Sciences or Social Sciences, at all stages from undergraduate to doctoral level, and whether the approach adopted be qualitative or quantitative, all research projects must conform to academic conventions and standards. Compliance with these established scholarly criteria can be a daunting challenge, especially if a student is engaged on a part-time or distance-learning programme with less access to a peer group or tutors than is the privilege of full time students. A summary of the standard of excellence required by academia in the undertaking and writing-up of a research project is outlined below (broken down into the constituent elements of a dissertation or thesis). This summary is followed by an explanation of elements available from our Support Services Menu.

Criteria for Attaining Academic Excellence in Conducting and Presenting a Thesis:

Focus of Research:

Focus of research should be crystal clear. Introduction should lay out background context, rationale for chosen topic, aims and objectives of the research, the research question or hypothesis.

Literature Review:

This should comprise a comprehensive and critical review of relevant literature, including most recent works and drawing on appropriate academic referenced journals. It should show a clear understanding of the thinking, theoretical perspectives and debates within the domain under study.


It is essential that the research design be appropriate to the research question. The chosen design should be well explained and justified with references to literature on methodological approaches. It is also important to state the limitations of one’s research.

Discussion of Research Findings:

The discussion should offer full and relevant findings with well-articulated analysis of the data. A good interpretation and discussion of the findings should provide linkages to the literature and research aims. It should present a well-structured and coherent argument based on the findings.

Conclusions and Recommendations:

A good scholarly thesis should offer well drawn conclusions and recommendations that are clearly related to the research findings and the literature.

Academic Referencing:

Regardless of the research topic a formal method of referencing is mandatory: either Harvard or MLA. The preferred method varies between universities. Scholarly referencing is in itself a skill. Do not under estimate the importance of referencing: failure to reference properly can lead to accusations of plagiarism and loss of valuable marks.

Overall Standard and Quality of Presentation:

A good scholarly dissertation or thesis is one that is well-structured and coherent throughout, with clear and effective use of English (grammar, syntax, punctuation, spelling) and correct use of academic referencing.

Services Available from our Support Menu:

As an experienced lecturer, supervisor and examiner, Dr Toni Owens provides a range of services to students at all levels, and at any or all stages of their research projects.

Editing Service:

This involves a critical reading of the finished or near-finished thesis, offering feedback on structure, coherence and clarity before the thesis is submitted. It also involves proof- reading for punctuation and spelling errors. This service does not offer commentary on the actual content or subject matter of the thesis.

Guidance Service:

This is a more comprehensive service which includes all of the above elements but commences at an earlier stage and continues during the lifetime of the project. Proof-reading here also offers feedback on grammatical and syntactical errors as well as support on referencing within the text of the thesis. Commentary on the subject matter can be negotiated.

Consultancy Service:

This is a fully comprehensive service which may commence at any stage of the project. Whilst inclusive of the elements offered in our Editing and Guidance Services, our consultancy service offers direction, advice and feedback on all of the constituent elements of a dissertation or thesis summarised above: research focus, literature review, methodology, discussion of findings, conclusions and recommendations, referencing, coherent and well-articulated presentation.

It is possible to pick and choose elements from our Support Services Menu and negotiate a ‘made-to-measure’ support system that best suits your needs, your level, and the stage at which you are at in your research project. For further details contact Dr Toni Owens at:

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