Integrating transcripts with audio files

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  • #2546
    Sorry to bother you again.
    Another quick question!!
    I am going through an interview which I think the transcriber had some difficulty with. I am able to interpret a lot more of what the participant said when I listen to the audio file. I was listening to it using the Windows Media Player but had to keep flicking between it and NVivo so I thought it might be easier to import it into NVivo. I have done that and can listen to it but don’t seem able to listen to it and read my typed transcript at the same time. They are both in the “source” folder and I can open them at the same time but as soon as I click on the tab for the transcript it stops the audio playing! Is there a way of doing this? I tried looking for a solution on your site and the NVivo help but haven’t been able to find it, sorry!
    All the best,

    Hi Sarah, Yes, there is an much easier way of doing this. You can listen and code the audio while viewing the transcript in the same screen and you can simultaneously code the text from the transcript if you prefer to code raw text. Can I log in tomorrow evening and show you? Talk tomorrow! Warm regards,

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