Reply To: Importing Endnote library – receiving error message and unable to import library

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Hi Charlotte,

The second part of your question is easiest to answer insofar as the import wizard offers two options when importing from referencing software such as EndNote as shown at this link:

All you need to do is reimport and choose the default option of ‘Title’ and the PDFs will display as desired.

Your second question is trickier because reading past EOF is a technical issue that could be caused by EndNote, NVivo or a PDF with no ‘end of file’ marker. I think you will need to make a request to tech support in QSR for assistance on this one. You can do so at this link:

Sorry I can’t do more, but it really requires investigation by the developers. They will respond, but it may take a few days not least because they are based in Melbourne, Australia.

Darragh Costello, B.Sc., M.Sc.,